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History of Internet and WWW:
The Roads and
Crossroads of
Internet 's History.
by Gregory R. Gromov
"A comprehensive
history of the Net remains to be written. This essay can only show the path where others may later
Henry Edward
"The key
words that came to my mind while
writing this history were: synergy, serendipity and
Ben Segal
"... think upon patience. Pray you,
All's well that ends well, Act 3, Scene 2
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Road #1 ( USA to
Information Age's Milestones:
1866: "In the
beginning was the Cable..."
The Atlantic
cable of 1858
was established to carry instantaneous
communications across the ocean for the first time.
Although the laying of this first cable was seen as a
landmark event in society, it was a technical failure. It only remained in
service a few days.
Subsequent cables laid in 1866 were
completely successful and compare to events like the moon landing of a century later.
... the cable ... remained in
use for almost 100
National Museum of American History
1957: Sputnik has launched
President Dwight D.
Eisenhower saw the need for the
Advanced Research Projects
Agency (ARPA) after the
Soviet Union's 1957 launch of Sputnik.
The organization united some of America's most brilliant people, who
developed the United States' first successful satellite in
18 months.
Several years later ARPA
began to focus on computer networking and
communications technology.
In 1962,
Dr. J.C.R. Licklider was chosen to head ARPA's research in
improving the military's use of computer technology.
was a visionary who sought to make the government's use of computers
more interactive. To quickly expand technology, Licklider saw the need to
move ARPA's contracts from the private sector to
universities and laid the foundations for what would become the
Will Lewis and Randy Reitz.
The visible results of
fruitful approach came short after...
1969: The
first LOGs: UCLA -- Stanford
According toVinton
...the UCLA people proposed to DARPA to organize and run
a Network Measurement
Center for the ARPANET project...
Around Labor Day in 1969, BBN delivered an
Interface Message Processor (IMP) to UCLA that was
based on a Honeywell DDP 516, and when they turned it on, it
just started running. It was hooked by 50 Kbps circuits to
two other sites (SRI and UCSB) in the four-node
network: UCLA, Stanford Research Institute (SRI), UC Santa
Barbara (UCSB), and the University of Utah in Salt Lake
According to Knight-Ridder
The plan was unpresedented:
a pionering computer science professor at LCLA, and his small group
of graduate students hoped to log onto the
computer and try to send it some data.
They would start by typing "logwin," and seeng if the
letters appeared on the far-off monitor.
"We set up a telephone connection between us and the
guys at SRI...," Kleinrock, now 62, said in an
"We typed the L and we asked on the phone, "Do you
see the L?"
"Yes, we see the L," came the response.
"We typed the O, and we asked, "Do you see the
"Yes, we see the O."
"Then we typed the G, and the
Yet a revolution had
Source: Sacramento Bee, May 1, 1996, p.D1
demonstration of the ARPANET
In late 1971,
Larry Roberts
decided that people needed serious
motivation to get things going. In
October 1972
there was to be an International
Conference on Computer Communications,
so Larry asked Bob Kahn at BBN to organize a public demonstration of the
It took Bob about a year to get everybody far enough along to
demonstrate a bunch of applications on the
ARPANET. The idea was that we would install a packet
switch and a Terminal Interface Processor or TIP
in the basement of the Washington Hilton Hotel, and
actually let the public come in and use the ARPANET,
running applications all
over the U.S ....
The demo was a roaring success, much to the
surprise of
the people at AT&T; who were skeptical about whether it
would work.
ARPA to Internet
ARPA Timeline : 1958 - 1991
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Road #2 ( Europe to USA
Internet at
CERN: 1976 - 1990
- In the beginning was - chaos.
In the same way that the theory of high energy physics
interactions was itself in a chaotic state up until the
early 1970's, so was the so-called area of "Data
Communications" at CERN. The variety of different
techniques, media and protocols used was staggering; open
warfare existed between many manufacturers' proprietary
systems, various home-made systems (including CERN's own "FOCUS"
and "CERNET"), and the then rudimentary efforts at defining open
or international standards...
- The Stage is Set - early 1980's.
To my knowledge, the first time any "Internet
Protocol" was used at CERN was during the second phase of the
STELLA Satellite Communication Project, from 1981-83, when
a satellite channel was used to link remote segments of two early
local area networks (namely "CERNET", running between
CERN and Pisa, and a Cambridge Ring network
running between CERN and Rutherford Laboratory).
This was certainly inspired by the ARPA IP model,
known to the Italian members of the STELLA collaboration
(CNUCE, Pisa) who had ARPA connections...
- TCP/IP Introduced at CERN.
In August, 1984 I wrote a proposal to the SW Group Leader,
Les Robertson, for the establishment of a pilot project to install
and evaluate TCP/IP protocols on some key non-Unix machines at
CERN including the central IBM-VM mainframe and a VAX VMS
- By
1990 CERN had become the
largest Internet site in Europe and this fact, as mentioned
above, positively influenced the acceptance and spread of Internet
techniques both in Europe and elsewhere...
- The Web Materializes.
A key result of all these happenings was that by 1989
CERN's Internet facility was ready to become the medium within which Tim
Berners-Lee would create the World Wide
Web with a truly visionary idea. In fact an entire culture had developed
at CERN around "distributed computing", and
Tim had himself contributed in the area of Remote
Procedure Call (RPC), thereby mastering several of the tools
that he needed to synthesize the Web such as software
portability techniques and network and socket programming. But
there were many other details too, like how simple it had become
to configure a state of the art workstation for Internet use (in
this case Tim's
machine which he showed me while he was setting it up in his
office), and how once on the Internet it was possible to attract
collaborators to contribute effort where that was lacking at CERN.
By Ben M.
Segal /
CERN PDP-NS / April, 1995
The Web as a
of the 40 years of Particle
Physics Experiments.
(the fragments from the email discussion with Ben Segal):
It happened many times during history of science that the most
impressive results of large scale scientific efforts appeared far
away from the main directions of those efforts.
I hope you agree that Web was a side effect of the CERN's
scientific agenda.
After the World War 2 the nuclear
centers of almost all developed
countries became the places with the highest concentration of
talented scientists.
For about four decades many of them were invited to the international
So specific kind of the CERN's intellectual
"entire culture" (as you called it) was constantly growing from one
generation of
the scientists and engineers to another.
When the concentration of the human talents per
square foot of the CERN's Labs reached
the critical mass, it caused an intellectual
The Web, -- crucial
point of human's history, was
Nothing could be compared to it.
You wrote the best about it: "synergy,
serendipity and coincidence"...
We cant imagine yet the real scale of the recent shake, because there has not
been so fast growing multidimension
social-economic processes in human history...
P.S. It is quite remarkable that "Highlights of CERN History: 1949 -
1994" do not have a word about Web. So, it looks
like a classic side
effect that normally is not be
mentioned at the main text of official record...
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 08:47:54 +0200
From: ben@dxcern.cern.ch (Ben Segal)
To: view@internetvalley.com
Subject: Gregory, here are some CERN...
>I hope you agree that Web was a side
effect of the CERN's scientific agenda.
Absolutely! (And it was not 100% appreciated by the masters
of CERN, the physicists and accelerator builders, that such
a "side effect" with world shaking consequences was born in
the obscure bit of the organization that handled computing,
a relatively low-status activity...).
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The Next Crossroad:
The first web client and server -- built with
project was originally developed to provide a distributed hypermedia
system which could easily access -- from any desktop computer --
information spread across the
The web
includes standard
formats for text, graphics, sound,
and video which can be indexed easily and
by all networked machines.
Using NeXT's object-oriented
technology, the first Web server and
client machines were built by CERN -- the European
Laboratory for Particle Physics in November 1990. Since then
the Web
has truly encompassed the
globe and access has proliferated
across all computer platforms in both the corporate and home
Software, Inc. , 1996
The Web as a NextStep of
PC Revolution.
From the IT history viewpoint, "in this case
Tim's NeXT
machine which he showed
me while he was setting it up in his office" was a
crossroad of the
two IT
revolutions, or by the other
words a symbolic handshake of the two IT
P. Jobs - a
hero of the
PC revolution;
- a hero of
the Web
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12 November 1990
Proposal for a HyperText Project
P.G. Innocenti/ECP, G. Kellner/ECP, D.O.
R. Brun/CN, K. Gieselmann/ECP, R.Ä Jones/ECP,
T.Ä Osborne/CN, P. Palazzi/ECP, N.Ä Pellow/CN, B.Ä
Pollermann/CN, E.M.Ä Rimmer/ECP
T. Berners-Lee/CN, R. Cailliau/ECP
... document describes in more detail a
Hypertext project.
HyperText is a way to link and access information of various kinds as
a web of nodes in which the user can browse at will. It provides a
single user-interface to large classes of information (reports,
notes, data-bases, computer documentation and on-line help). We
propose a simple scheme incorporating servers already available at
The project has two phases: firstly we make use of existing software
and hardware as well as implementing simple browsers for the user's
workstations, based on an analysis of therequirements for information
access needs by experiments. Secondly, we extend the application area
by also allowing the users to add new material.
Phase one should take 3 months with the full manpower complement,
phase two a further 3 months, but this phase is more open-ended, and
a review of needs and wishes will be incorporated into it.
The manpower required is 4 software engineers and a programmer, (one
of which could be a Fellow). Each person works on a specific part
(eg. specific platform support)....
Berners-Lee ,
R. Cailliau
W W Why are they green?
"Because I see all "W"s as green..."
Robert Cailliau: Recently I discovered that I'm a synaesthetic. Well, I've known
it for a long time, but I did not realise that there was a name for
it. I'm one of those people who combine two senses: for me,
letters have colours. Only about one in
25'000 have this condition, which is
perfectly harmless and actually quite useful. Whenever I think of
words, they have
colour patterns.
For example, the word "CERN" is yellow, green, red and
brown, my internal telephone number,
"5005" is black, white, white, black. The effect sometimes works like
a spelling checker: I know I've got the right or the wrong number because the
colour pattern
is what I remember or not...
And now wait for it folks: you have all seen the World-Wide Web logo of three superimposed "W"s. Why are they green? Because I
see all "W"s as green...
It would look horrible to me if they were any other colour.
So, it's not because it is a "green" technology, although I also like
So, here I am: twenty years of work at CERN:
control engineering, user-interfaces, text processing, administrative
computing support,
hypertexts and finally the Web.
Copyright CERN
The first 5 years of the
The Web reminds me of early days of the PC
industry. No one really knows anything. All experts have been
Steve Jobs, Wired, February 1996
In the Web's first generation,
Tim Berners-Lee launched the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), Hypertext Transfer
Protocol (HTTP), and HTML standards with prototype Unix-based servers and browsers.
A few people
noticed that the
Web might be
better than Gopher.
In the second generation,
Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina developed NCSA
Mosaic at the University of Illinois.
Several million then suddenly noticed that the
Web might be
better than sex.
In the third generation,
and Bina left
NCSA to found Netscape...
From the Ether Microsoft and Netscape open some new fronts in
escalating Web Wars, By Bob Metcalfe,
InfoWorld, August 21, 1995, Vol. 17, Issue 34.
was the Web created?
NCSA, Marc
Andreessen and first Mosaic -- graphical browser for the
Timeline: 1989 - 1995 ...
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Road # 3 ( USA to Far East).
The 50
WWW Science History
and "Living
Part 1. The History
of Hypertext
- Hypertext
- 1945: Vannevar Bush (Science Advisor to president
Roosevelt during WW2) proposes Memex -- a
conceptual machine that can store vast amounts
of information, in which users have the ability to create
information trails, links of related texts
and illustrations, which can be stored and used for
future reference.
- As
We May Think
This article was originally published in the July
1945 issue of The Atlantic Monthly...
Like Emerson's famous address of 1837 on
``The American Scholar,'' this paper by Vannevar Bush
calls for a new relationship between thinking
man and the sum of our knowledge.
- 1965: Ted Nelson
coins the word "Hypertext".
- 1967:
Andy van Dam and others build the Hypertext
Editing System ...
- 1981: Ted Nelson conceptualizes "Xanadu", a central, pay-per-document
hypertext database encompassing all written
information. ...
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Part 2. The "Living
History" of Hypertext.
Theodor Holm Nelson:
1960. It occurs
to me that the future of
humanity is at the interactive computer
screen, that the new
writing and movies will be
interactive and interlinked. It will be
united by bridges of transclusion (see below)
and we need a world-wide network
to deliver it with royalty.
I begin.
February, 1988. Autodesk buys the Xanadu project, which has
been bundled into XOC,
Inc. Nelson gives up the trademark.
LATE 1988 the program
designed in 1981 is
finished (and dubbed 88.1), then set aside, to
begin work on a MUCH FINER
August, 1992. Autodesk drops the
project and gives us carfare. Our
find themselves out in the
Times Number Three, October 1994,
Theodor Holm Nelson , Mindful Press, 1994
Embrace A Man
Too Eccentric For Silicon Valley
After a Years Failure in U.S.,
Theodor Nelson
Continues His Quest for
SAPPORO, Japan - Eagger to inspire a creative new generation of
computer programmers, Japan hax turned to a U.S. software
guru who has been called "one of the
great minds
of the 20th century" and "the Orson
Welles of software."
So far, it hardly matters that the individual in question, Theodor
Holm Nelson, has been called those things by himself
. Or that in U.S. he has spent more than 30 years and
large sums of other people's money on never
finished Xanadu,
which has bankrupted one group of programmers and overhelmed
several others.
For Japan has accorded Mr. Nelson a hero's welcom. A group
of electronics giants, including Hitachi Ltd. and
Futjitsu Ltd., built a 12-person software lab for
him on Japan's northernmost island and named it Hyperlab,
where he dreamed, desighed and philosophed for a year
and half. More recenrtly Keo University has given him
a research appointment at its campus near Tokyo,
where he plans to continue building Xanadu with companies
or students who care to help.
In Japan, many still revere Mr. Nelson for his 1965
"hypertext" concept -- essentially the system that
allows users of the Internet's WorldWideWeb to mouse-click
their way from words or pictures in one document to those in
another. "He is {part of] the living history
of the computer world,"...
By David P. Hamilton, WSJ, April 24, 1996, p 1,
response to the Web was "nice try."
This is a pretty seriously out-of-context quote.
I have great
respect for the Web and
great personal liking for Tim
Today, with the advent of far more powerful
memory devices,
Xanadu, the
grandest encyclopedic project of our
era, seemed not only a failure but an actual
symptom of
I find this both gratuitously nasty and incomprehensible.
What is he talking about with these
"more powerful memory
They do not
change the problem or invalidate the proposed solution of transclusive media.
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Xanadu Timeline:
- 1960 Ted Nelson's designs showed two screen
windows connected by visible lines, pointing from parts of an
object in one window to corresponding parts of an object in
another window. No existing windowing software provides this
facility even today.
- 1965 Nelson's design concentrated on the
single-user system and was based on "zipper lists",
sequential lists of elements which could be linked sideways
to other zipper lists for large non-sequential text
- 1970 Nelson invented certain data structures
and algorithms called the "enfilade" which became the basis
for much later work (still proprietary to Xanadu Operating
Company, Inc.)
- 1972 Implementations ran in both Algol and Fortran.
- 1974 William Barus extended the enfilade
concept to handle interconnection.
- 1979 Nelson assembled a new team (Roger
Gregory, Mark Miller, Stuart Greene, Roland King and Eric Hill) to
redesign the system.
- 1981K. Eric Drexler created a new data
structure and algorithms for complex versioning
and connection management.
The Project Xanadu team completed the design of a universal
networking server for Xanadu, described in various
editions of Ted Nelson's book "Literary Machines" ...
- 1983Xanadu Operating Company, Inc. (XOC,
Inc.) was formed to complete development of the 1981 design.
- 1988XOC, Inc. was acquired by Autodesk,
Inc. and amply funded, with offices in Palo Alto and later
Mountain View California. Work continued with Mark
Miller as chief designer. ..
- 1992 Autodesk entered into the throes of an
organisational shakeup and dropped the project, after
expenditures on the order of five million US dollars. Rights to
continued development of the XOC server were licensed to
Memex, Inc. of Palo Alto, California and the
trademark "Xanadu" was re-assigned to
- 1993 Nelson re-thought the whole thing and
respecified Xanadu publishing as a system of business
arrangements. Minimal specifications for a publishing
system were created under the name "Xanadu Light", and
Andrew Pam of Serious Cybernetics in
Melbourne, Australia was licensed to continue development
as Xanadu Australia.
- 1994 Nelson was invited to
and founded the Sapporo HyperLab...
By Andrew Pam,
Xanadu Australia
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of Internet:
Recent Statistics
- .... estimated percentage of adults in the
U.S. using the World-Wide
Web: 7.7
Number of Internet Service
Providers, worldwide (July, 1996):
projects that Web user sessions will hit 15.79 billion in
2000, yielding 94.76 billion page views.
- Number of security
incidents reported to the
Computer Emergency Response
Team Coordination Center in
Number of sites affected by those incidents: 12,000
Number reported in 1988: 6
The Web Explosion's Stats Trace:
Jul 96
. . . 12,881,000
. . . 488,000
Jul 95
. . . 6,642,000
. . . 120,000
Jul 94
. . . 3,212,000
. . . . 46,000
Jul 93
. . . 1,776,000
. . . . 26,000
*/ The total number of the all types of
Domains (commercial -- com.; non-profit
organizations -- org.; educational ... ---
edu.; ... etc.)
Data Source:
Network Wizards
As of 19th July 1996, there were 419,360
28,839 .org, 17,115 .net and 2,686
domains registered.
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Why write a history
of the Net?
It's not enough to say merely that it's
never been done.
- The Net is a unique creation of human
- The Net is the first intelligent artificial
- The Net represents the growth of a
new society
within the old.
- The Net represents a new model of
- The Net represents a threat to civil
- The Net is the greatest free marketplace of ideas that has
ever existed.
- The Net is in imminent danger of extinction.
- The Net is immortal.
...the Internet revolution has challenged
the corporate-titan
model of the information
superhighway. The growth of the Net is not a fluke or a fad,
but the consequence of unleashing the power of individual creativity. If it were an economy, it would be the triumph of
the free market over central planning. In music, jazz over
Bach. Democracy over dictatorship...
Christopher Anderson. The Economist
Newspaper Limited.
... the network is not a computer science concept
but a linguistic concept.
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 1996 21:21:34 -0400
From: BRUCECLYN@aol.com
To: view@internetvalley.com
Subject: Comments to :View from Internet Valley
Your site is riveting history - but, what are the
practical differences between the Internet and the
World Wide Web?
You describe a continuous evolution of a system and I, for one,
don't know the practical
differences between the manmade information
links whose
terms are commonly bandied about in the press
Please respond - enquiring minds want to know.
Bruce D. Clyne
Dear Bruce,
. . .
>what are the practical differences
>between the Internet and the World Wide Web?
The Internet
is a global networks' system that consist of the millions of local
area networks (LANs) and computers (hosts).
So it's a tech system that is working according to the basic computer science concepts and
rules. It was developed 25 - 30 years ago.
The WWW is
only one of the ways of practical implementations of the
Some of the other ways are the following ones: gophers -- the dispersed
system of menu driven subject oriented dBs; ftp -- the files' exchange
system; email
systems, and so on...
The WWW (that
was born 5 years ago) is a method (and system) that provides the
members of the Internet's
community with historically new
opportunity to create and permanently develop the global field of the texts (as
well as images, animations, sounds, etc.), all parts of which are
able to crossconnected with each others.
In other words, the WWW is a fast growing (millions of authors are adding new
pages every day) global field of
text that consist of billions of words (as well as
sounds, images, animations, ... etc.) all (!) parts
(every of
billions of WORDs) of which are able to realtime crossconnect and
interact with
each others.
As it was mentioned by Alberto Cavicchiolo, "the network is not a computer science concept, but a
linguistic concept".
I often quote this definition, even though I do not fully agree
with it.
From my viewpoint the network itself is definitely
a computer science concept. The Internet is a computer science concept as
well as biological concept.
... the Web
(!) only "... is not a computer
science concept, but a linguistic concept".
So my definition of the Web is the following one:
The Web is a
method (and technology) of the WORDS'
crossconnections and interactions (as
well as the images, animations, sounds and so on...).
The Web uses
the Internet
to store, locate and connect the WORDS as some of the others more tradition methods of the
WORDS's connection used the stones,
skins, papyruses, papers, phone, recorders, radio,
TV ...
The phone teleconferences, some of the radio and TV shows and
tele-reportages were partly using the Web's basic hyperlink approach.
The hyperlinks concept itself was known for thousands of years . Some
of the Bible stories include different source stories inside the
main story, and those source stories contane some other sourse
stories and so on...
All those well known attempts to use hyperlinks concept had one
technical disadvantage: they were based on the static, fully prediscribed
scenarios of the WORDS' crossconnections.
There were strong crossconnection levels limits, link's delay time limits, and so on..
The WWW has
broken any
limits for any WORDS' crosconnections.
After that the "chain
reaction" of crossconnections was
For instance, according to the Sun
Microsystems' statistics
"the total number of the Internet's
sites crossconnections more than
every month". ( Sun press-seminar , January 1995, Mountain View, CA).
. . .
Once again, thank you for your interest.
Gregory R. Gromov
Epilogue and
Web 's Way to the
"In the beginning was the
The WWW creates a multidimencional Web of Roads. Those Roads
have their beginning at the civilisation that was raised on a
concept of a plane BOOK; the civilisation that has existed for thousands of
The Hyperlinks -- Roads of WWW
-- lead from a BOOK of a plane text to the
multidimencional Universe of
WORDs, to the WORD's WORLD, which becomes
the kernel concept of the next civilisation...
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